What is 1000Meetings ?
Since 2007 1000Meetings helps companies to save time & budget while sourcing hotels in China for professional meetings & corporate events.
We understand how difficult it is to find the perfect venue that fully meets your expectations and that fits with your event scheduling.
Save time & budget, call upon 1000Meetings and receive a detailed quote within a few hours, it's free.
How does 1000Meetings work ?
Whenever you look for hotels for the purpose of a meeting or a corporate event:
- Contact 1000Meetings with your requirements +86(21)63515339 or send your meeting request online
- For each case you hand over to us, we supply you with a unique contact
- Our meeting consultants will double confirm your event details
- We immediately pre-select venues matching your requirements, check rates & availability
- Within a few hours you receive a detailed quote with pictures, rates and insider tip from 1000Meetings
Is 1000Meetings service really free of charge ?
Free of charge, no hidden costs.
Our service is free of charge for companies and corporate meeting planners.
In total transparency, our service is 100% supported by hotels that have joined our affiliation program.